Hundreds of wildlife buckles and animal buckles are displayed in our retail store, and we've featured a selection of these in
the following pages. You'll find deer buckles, elk belt buckles, buffalo buckles, moose belt buckles, bighorn sheep buckles, and bear buckles- just to name a few of
the "critters" in the following pages!
(click on any image for larger picture, use browser
back button to return)
A506C $45 Elk in brass finish
A783C $45 Elk with Flag, Brass Look
A785S $45 Deer with Flag, Silver Look
37984 $20 Elk Skull Silver color buckle |
37046 $19 Buffalo buckle, oval silver color
37045 $19 Bear on silver color oval buckle
C7e $16.99 Bear Silhouette in Black, on oval buckle
60796C $45 Deer Head Buckle, in Brass, 3 3/4" x 2 3/4"
i5E $26.99 bull elk with rope-look border, color
G8E $16.99 Big Horn Sheep Ram Head, Color
37076 $20 Skull, with Camouflage background
X30 $14.99 Deer with sun rays
38042 $20 Elk on antiqued silver color buckle
W3E $16.99 jumping deer buckle, with
deer head in black. |
L3e $16.99 Moose buckle
38038 $20 Deer buckle on antiqued silver color buckle
37958 $22.50 Elk Skull, rectangular Camouflage
3707657 $20 Jumping Deer with Camouflage background
TBB4718 $25.99 Gold and Silver Elk, with ruby colored stones |
37010 $25 Bison Face on 2 tone buckle
37526 $25 Elk Skull w/ Bullet Shell border |
60800C $45- Fighting Elk Brass Heritage Attitude Belt Buckle, 3 5/8" x 2 3/4" |
A889 $45 Bugling Elk in brass finish
A507C $45 Elk facing front, in brass finish
For more wildlife & animal buckles, view the following pages:
Page 2 >
Also see: Dogs Eagles Horses Wolves